Because We Are Spiritual AF
Spiritual AF Sundays
Spiritual AF Sundays #6: Spirituality, Submission, and Power - Oh My!

Spiritual AF Sundays #6: Spirituality, Submission, and Power - Oh My!

Find your "true north" so that you can set goals that resonate with you:

In this episode, we explore the spiritual concept of submission and power. How do we submit to a higher power in an authentic way? What does it mean to be spiritually powerful? And what is the relationship between spirituality and power? Tune in for some insights!

0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:48 Credits
0:02:45 Greetings and Overview
0:03:09 The "Live Original" Movement
0:06:28 Unpacking Submission
0:11:17 Unpacking Power
0:13:40 When Our Personal Power is Imbalanced
0:16:14 Call for Listener Feedback
0:16:33 Future Episodes
0:17:14 Closing Credits

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