Because We Are Spiritual AF
Spiritual AF Sundays
Spiritual AF Sundays #39 - Finding Peace Through Mind/Body/Spirit Alignment

Spiritual AF Sundays #39 - Finding Peace Through Mind/Body/Spirit Alignment

Have you ever felt stressed - like, must-move/can't rest stress? Ever notice how it's not just your body that feels it? Your head may be racing, your heart may be questioning, and you might not feel yourself. Well, that's not just a matter of stress; it's of being out of alignment with yourself.

In this week's episode of Spiritual AF Sundays, we're bringing on guest Lucy Byrd Hope to discuss her book, "Daily Alignment" - through that, we also delve into the topic of "What does it mean to be aligned in mind, body, and spirit?" We explore how each of these systems is connected, what it might look like to be in alignment, what to look out for as signs you may be out of alignment, and what you can do about it.

About our guest:
Lucy Byrd Hope is a holistic guide, spiritualist, and entrepreneur who received her BA in Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin. Lucy built onto this foundation by learning cognitive-behavioral, somatic, and existential psychology and alternative medicine. She initially became certified in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at Duke Integrative Medicine. To further her education in holistic medicine, Lucy received her Reiki Level I, Level II, and Master certifications. She has also received her first and second-level Shamanic Mastery certifications and is currently completing her third-level Mastery.

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