Because We Are Spiritual AF
Spiritual AF Sundays
Spiritual AF Sundays #3: What’s the Deal With New Years’ Resolutions?

Spiritual AF Sundays #3: What’s the Deal With New Years’ Resolutions?

The tradition of New Years' resolutions has been around for almost four thousand years, and each year millions of people make resolutions in the spirit of self-improvement or to break free from bad habits. But are New Years' resolutions effective? What does establishing these resolutions say about our society and ourselves?

Today's episode explores the good, bad, and ugly of making New Year's resolutions. We'll look at the history of these traditions, review some exciting statistics about new years' resolutions, and explore the downsides of making such resolutions. We'll also teach you how to make heart-centered resolutions to set yourself up for success in 2023 - assuming you're ready to make such commitments!

(0:00:00) Introduction

(00:01:01) Opening Credits

(00:01:54) Greetings and Overview

(00:02:47) The Origin of New Years' Resolutions

(00:04:17) Do New Years' Resolutions Work?

(00:08:23) The Problem with New Years' Resolutions

(00:09:49) Making Heart-Centered Resolutions

(00:12:52) Call for Listener Feedback

(00:13:31) Future Episodes

(00:13:58) Closing Credits

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