Because We Are Spiritual AF
Spiritual AF Sundays
Spiritual AF Sundays #29 - Growing Up in the Dichotomy of Heaven and Hell: An Interview with Matthew Garnier

Spiritual AF Sundays #29 - Growing Up in the Dichotomy of Heaven and Hell: An Interview with Matthew Garnier

In this episode, we use Matthew Garnier's book, "Swept Up: Lessons from the End Times" as a launchpad for discussing the impact of our childhood experiences with religion. We explore commonalities among those who grew up in religions that either emphasized the "End Times" doctrine or focused heavily on the Heaven-Hell afterlife dichotomy. Living purely on faith or solely on logic both have issues - what is the right path forward?

Overall, the episode highlights the complex and nuanced nature of religious upbringing and its lasting impact on individuals' beliefs and perspectives.

About Our Guest
Matthew Garnier recently published a comedic memoir about religious upbringing, "Swept Up: Lessons From the End Times" with tales (and lessons) from church, home-schooling, and a few strange years at a major evangelical university

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