Because We Are Spiritual AF
Spiritual AF Sundays
Spiritual AF Sundays #25 - Gaming and Consequences: Where Fantasy and Reality Collide

Spiritual AF Sundays #25 - Gaming and Consequences: Where Fantasy and Reality Collide

In open world video games, do you like to play the bad guy? Does your character do things that you'd never, ever do in real life? Or are you the type who, no matter how much you want to, you can't bring yourself to choose the dialogue prompt where your character says something mean? 

Whether you want to be naughty or nice in game - have you ever stopped to think what that says about you?

In this episode of Spiritual AF Sundays, creator of the Game and Word substack and podcast, to discuss the intersection between morality and gaming. We look at why people are drawn to games where their actions have real consequences on the setting. Jay also guides those caught up in whatever game-related drama is going on.

About our guest:
Jay Rooney is the publisher and host of Game & Word, an award-winning weekly newsletter and companion podcast that explores the intersection of video games with the arts, sciences, and humanities. His mission is to educate gamers and non-gamers alike about video games' artistic, narrative, educational, and even therapeutic value.

Where you can find Jay online:

Resources mentioned

  • "Getting Gamers" by Jamie Madigan

  • "Lost in a Good Game" by Dr. Pete Etchells 

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