Because We Are Spiritual AF
Spiritual AF Sundays
Spiritual AF Sundays #23 - Astrology - More Than Just Sun Signs and Swag

Spiritual AF Sundays #23 - Astrology - More Than Just Sun Signs and Swag

When people think of astrology, they typically think of sun signs - the astrological sign that your sun was positioned on the day you were born. 

Newspapers and websites publish horoscopes, predicting events for people based on which month-long time period their birthday falls under. We claim that people of a particular sign have certain positive and negative traits. Oh, and to further identify with your sun sign - why don't you consider buying themed trinkets, perfumes, and candles?

There's got to be more to astrology, right?

In this episode of Spiritual AF Sundays, we bring guests Julia Knoll and Steve Cox from Astrologize It to discuss modern social media takes on astrology - their origins and how they can fall short. They also explain the concept of evolutionary astrology and how it differs from older methods used with this divination tool.

  • Where to find Astrologize It (Julia & Steve)

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