Because We Are Spiritual AF
Spiritual AF Sundays
Spiritual AF Sundays #18 - Plant Medicines and Spiritual Growth: A Conversation

Spiritual AF Sundays #18 - Plant Medicines and Spiritual Growth: A Conversation

Join us as we explore the potential of plant medicines in aiding us on our quest for spiritual growth. In this episode of Spiritual AF Sundays, we bring on guest Troy McFadden, Mindfulness Coach and Facilitator to talk about how we can expand our mindfulness practices with plant medicines that help us achieve altered states of consciousness. Troy shares how these types of medicines can help us with our mindfulness practices, and why it is important to see these tools as sacred and approach them with reverence. 

About our guest
Troy is a transformational coach who works with the tools and techniques of mindfulness to support others in achieving optimal growth. He works with The Asian Leadership Institute as a corporate coach and also operates his private practice, Wisdom Warrior Coaching.

Where to find Troy online:

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